× Kinomap, Be on Track!

River Enns 🚶 NP Gesäuse

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 2.791 mi


 107.00 Watt(s)



 187 ft

 Gesäusestraße, Admont, Bezirk Liezen, Styria, 8911, Austria

 Weidendom, Themenweg Lettmair Au, Admont, Bezirk Liezen, Styria, 8911, Austria


River Enns, 253km in length, is the longest river solely in Austria. Walk near its most wild section: The Gesäuse National Park, the only NP in the Austrian state of Styria, where - in geological terms - it cut a gorge and formed cataracts through high mountains. Not a kayaking area for mortal people (see these videos on YT: YtVideo1, YtVideo2), but a special place for relaxed walks in nature. Let's go...! [Recorded on 2023-09-26]

For more kayaking and biking in the Enns area, see the playlist "River Enns 🛶🚶🚴🇦🇹".

More special places will follow... Mostly by kayak and by foot. Maybe you would like to follow me to be informed of the new videos, when they come out...

☮ Make love, not war. Peace! ☮



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