× Kinomap, Be on Track!

Rovaniemi Lapland Three bridges

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 8.019 mi


 68.40 Watt(s)



 272 ft

 Domus Arctica-säätiö, Ylikorvantie, Korvanniemi, Rovaniemi, Rovaniemen seutukunta, Lapland, Mainland Finland, 96300, Finland

 Domus Arctica-säätiö, Ylikorvantie, Korvanniemi, Rovaniemi, Rovaniemen seutukunta, Lapland, Mainland Finland, 96300, Finland


Rovaniemi Lapland - excellent biking lanes and clearly marked routes- Very easy to recommend. City is profiled as university and tourism and this can be seen in variety of offering of services, restaurants etc. Great place for outdoor activity in summer and in winter. Enjoy the ride

Full HD video stabilized with GoPro Hypersmooth 4.0

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 404 yd
  7 ft
 1347 yd
  26 ft
 1727 yd
  56 ft
kinomap 排行
Pos. 用户名 Chrono Date
1 00:17:15 10/26/2023
2 00:19:44 9/14/2023
3 00:20:42 12/24/2023
4 00:21:00 10/27/2023
5 00:21:03 12/29/2023


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