× Kinomap, Be on Track!

Section of the old Treviso - Ostiglia railway Italy

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 12.578 mi


 72.10 Watt(s)



 620 ft

 Via Roma, 52, 35010 Loreggia PD, Italy

 Via Pezze, 7, 31033 Salvatronda TV, Italy

A safe and well-signposted cycle path in Veneto, a 70 km long green corridor that follows the route of a former Treviso-Ostiglia railway. A succession of waterways, countryside planted with corn, asparagus and radicchio, country churches, naturalistic areas, Venetian villas, all united by the line of the cycle path equipped with refreshment points, rest areas, bike rental and services for tourists.


Ostiglia da Muson a Silvelle
 5.254 mi
  344 ft
"Ostiglia" da Loreggia a PiombinoDese
 3.276 mi
  230 ft
Ostiglia - Loreggia - Rotonda
 3.354 mi
  230 ft
"Ostiglia" da Camposampiero a Loreggia
 1455 yd
  59 ft
No se moea un dente spillo
 4.042 mi
  292 ft
kinomap 排行
Pos. 用户名 Chrono Date
1 00:35:38 6/2/2023
2 00:38:52 6/4/2023
3 00:49:13 6/7/2023


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