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Kumrovec 🚶 Time Machine

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 1.996 mi


 79.00 Watt(s)



 177 ft

 Kladnik 4A, 49295, Kumrovec, Croatia

 Ul. Josipa Broza 19, 49295, Kumrovec, Croatia


Northern part of Croatia is a tranquil, hilly, rural region, with many villages and a few rather small towns. One of the villages is Kumrovec. Its  center has been transformed into the ethnographic museum "Old village" during the decades. The second half of the video is a visit to this open space museum - exhibition houses will be entered and details examined - so the discovery training mode is more appropriate. The museum visit ends at the house in which Josip Broz Tito was born.

The nowadays desolate and in the 1990es abandoned building of the former political school of the Croatian communist party is where the video starts. (If you have a few million EUR to spend, buy it and transform it for instance into a luxury senior citizens condominium.) 

You might also be interested to se my other video taken at the same place, but on a very special day: Kumrovec 🚶 Youth Day 2023
More special places will follow... By foot, by bike and by kayak. Stay tuned...

☮ Make love, not war. Peace! ☮



kinomap 排行
Pos. 用户名 Chrono Date
1 00:09:07 5/16/2023
2 00:10:10 7/9/2023
3 00:21:01 9/3/2024
4 00:29:36 6/15/2024
5 00:30:14 3/4/2024


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