× Kinomap, Be on Track!

Feldberg Black Forest I: Uphill

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 2.697 mi


 150.00 Watt(s)



 1040 ft

 Schwarzwaldhimmel, Hallenbadweg 5, 79868 Feldberg (Schwarzwald), Germany

 Franz-Klarmeyer-Weg 3, 79868 Feldberg (Schwarzwald), Germany

The Feldberg (1493m) is the highest mountain in Germany outside the Alps. If weather conditions are good yo have a fantastic view on the Swiss Alps and the Vosges in France. Around 1870 there was an hotel on the peak and for a long time it was one of the highest hotels in Germany. Strong winds and snow destroyed it and it was rebuilt a few hundert meter downhill near the second peak called Seebuck with it´s tower (don't miss the second Kinomap video!).


kinomap 排行
Pos. 用户名 Chrono Date
1 00:10:23 12/29/2022
2 00:11:14 10/11/2021
3 00:11:40 10/27/2021
4 00:12:03 1/30/2022
5 00:12:49 11/5/2021


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