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Row off a Cookie - Low Intensity Row

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Rowing is great for burning calories. In this RowAlong workout, I row long enough to burn off the calories in a M&S white chocolate chip cookie (yum!!). 

Spoiler alert, it takes 31:23 seconds. So join me for this rowing workout, and if you put in the following intensity level, you'll burn close to the 319 calories that I did too. 

❗❗❗ Row at 20 strokes per minute and at 5-6/10 effort (where 1/10 is sitting on the couch, and 10/10 is a max sprint. If you have a 2K Training pace it is 2K+18 sec (If you don't know what a 2K training pace is, see below. ❗❗❗

For more information about drag factor, the plans and what this is all about, head to https://www.rowalong.com For more about indoor rowing in general, go to www.indoorrowinginfo.com

See you in the next video.

ℹℹℹℹℹℹ - 2K training paces are based on your current best performance to row 2000m. Set your monitor to 2000m and row it as fast as you can. When you're finished either look at the memory screen for that row, and note the Average /500m pace - or just divide your time by 4 to find that out. 

For instance - if you rowed your 2000m in 8:20 - the average pace for 500m is 2:05. It doesn't matter if you started at 1:50 and then slowed down to 2:20 by the end - your average across the whole row is 2:05. 

So when I give a pace guide saying "2K + 18 seconds" - that means that you take your 2K time, and add 18 seconds to it (in the above example, 2:05 + 18 = 2:23 pace.) Just be sure to set your monitor so it displays your /500m pace so you can stay on target.

Every time you think you're getting faster, rather than just arbitrarily changing the pace guide - do another 2000m test to find your current 2K average time - and then work from that.  ℹℹℹℹℹℹ