× Kinomap, Be on Track!

Pyramid Intervals 1 3 5 3 1 Min. (Exercise Bike - Resistance Based)

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hh:mm:ss % Resistance Cadence Type
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United States of America - English


Aim of the workout: Building Strength by using pyramid intervals in this session.  It's a variation of standard interval session with different interval durations and different recovery durations.

Workout plan:

- 5 Minutes progressive Warmup

- 1 Minute @90% of Resistance, cadence @90 rpm

- 2 Minutes @50% of Resistance, cadence 70 rpm to recover

- 3 Minute @90% of Resistance, cadence @90 rpm

- 4 Minutes @50% of Resistance, cadence 70 rpm to recover

- 5 Minutes @90% of Resistance, cadence @90 rpm

- 4 Minutes @50% of Resistance, cadence 70 rpm to recover

- 3 Minute @90% of Resistance, cadence @90 rpm

- 2 Minutes @50% of Resistance, cadence 70 rpm to recover

- 1 Minute @90% of Resistance, cadence @90 rpm


- 5 Minutes Cooldown


I hope you like the Workout, let me know all of your feedback, ideas etc. in the comment section.

Have fun!