× Kinomap, Be on Track!

12 Rows of Christmas - 11 x 45 seconds

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Sprint for 45 seconds - 11 times, with 1 minute rest between each row
🚣A TOP/MAX INTENSITY WORKOUT on the Intensity Pyramid🚣‍♀️

Due to the intensity of this row, the warm up is 10 minutes long.

➔Pace Guide: Faster than Row 7. Aim for between 2K-5 and 2K-8
➔Effort = 10/10
➔Speech = Don't try - just breathe!

âť— Control is still the key here. I do this at around 34 strokes per minute, so a really high stroke rate, but not so high that I've lost control. And then it's all about pushing as hard as you can with your legs to get the pace up.âť—

45 seconds should mean you can get the pace high right to the end, especially with the 60 second rest between each interval. 

At the end of the row, while I say goodbye, I've put up the basic stretches that I do when I've finished rowing.

As always, follow me for stroke rate. Anad I'll keep you company for the row with training tips, technique tips, and my usual general waffle.