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😍 Sardinia: Cuglieri to Bosa (🇮🇹)

Likes image 52 Likes
Comments image 5 Commentaires


 15.697 mi


 101.50 Watt(s)



 686 ft

 Via Vittorio Emanuele, 60, 09073 Cuglieri OR, Italy

 Turas, 08013 Bosa OR, Italy


A rather easy ride in the western part of the island Sardinia. You start in Cuglieri (at 450 m altitude) and you finish 25 km later at the coast in Bosa.  Enjoy!!

(PS: 'likes' and 'comments' on the video are much appreciated. Please send comments on the functioning of the app to the User Support)

For more than 1000 scenic videos all over Europe, see my other videos by Gonvil and Playlists by Gonvil.

 Segments Strava

Des sections de cette vidéo sont des segments Strava.

Nigolosu-Turas dh
 1.384 mi
  0 ft
Km 4 Crono Sagama
 1180 yd
  7 ft
Bivio Sant*Antioco Sagama
 2.157 mi
  82 ft
bivio di Macomer - bivio di Sant'Antioco
 1.378 mi
  49 ft
Salita Cuglieri-Scano
 1.166 mi
  249 ft
Classement kinomap
Pos. Nom d'utilisateur Chrono Date
1 00:26:04 2/16/2024
2 00:29:40 3/28/2023
3 00:30:34 8/22/2023
4 00:31:24 5/1/2023
5 00:31:25 1/25/2023

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