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🚲πŸ₯‡πŸ₯ˆπŸ₯‰πŸ† WK/WCC/Ch.du Monde ROTARY 2024

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 1.408 mi


 168.40 Watt(s)



 125 ft

 Nieuwstraat, Michelbeke, Brakel, Oudenaarde, East Flanders, Flanders, 9660, Belgium

 Meierij, Michelbeke, Brakel, Oudenaarde, East Flanders, Flanders, 9660, Belgium


De Rotary Club Brakel organiseert eind augustus 2024 de Wereldkampioenschappen wielrennen in België (Brakel-Michelbeke). Dit is het circuit waarop de wedstrijd wordt gereden. / Le Rotary Club Brakel organisera les Championnats du monde de cyclisme en Belgique (Brakel-Michelbeke) fin août 2024. C'est le circuit sur lequel se déroule la course. Rotary Club Brakel will organize the Cycling World Championships in Belgium (Brakel-Michelbeke) at the end of August 2024. This is the circuit on which the race is held/

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 Segmenti di Strava

Porzioni di questo video sono effettivi segmenti di Strava

 486 yd
  89 ft
Classifica Kinomap
Pos. Nome utente Chrono Date
1 00:02:53 8/5/2024
2 00:03:17 9/30/2023
3 00:03:42 9/27/2023
4 00:03:48 2/1/2025
5 00:04:05 9/30/2023

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