× Kinomap, Be on Track!

Bike 24 km. Spring. Germany- North-Rhine-Westphalia. Wesel-Rees (First Split of Wesel-Rees-Wesel) 1 hr 7 mins. 23,5 km. Sunny spring day.

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 14.616 mi


 51.60 Watt(s)



 112 ft

 47, Bislicher Straße, Wesel, Kreis Wesel, North Rhine-Westphalia, 46487, Germany

 2, Krantor, Rees, Kreis Kleve, North Rhine-Westphalia, 46459, Germany

Bike 24 km.Spring Germany- North-Rhine-Westphalia Wesel-Rees (First Split of Wesel-Rees-Wesel) 1 hr 7 mins. 23,5 km. Sunny spring day. First half of a tour from the city of Wesel on the right bank of the Rhine river to Rees. This first split starting just beyond the city of Wesel, heading north. Lots of spring flowers left and right of the roads With markers every (few) kilometer(s) (and some information on the surroundings). Footage April 2021
 Segmenti di Strava

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 588 yd
  7 ft
 1759 yd
  0 ft
 1053 yd
  3 ft
Classifica Kinomap
Pos. Nome utente Chrono Date
1 00:32:58 9/29/2023
2 00:35:47 1/11/2024
3 00:36:19 12/27/2023
4 00:37:17 6/14/2024
5 00:38:40 2/23/2024

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