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Chilly white run in Kiruna Sweden

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Comments image 7 Commenti


 2.769 mi


 187.00 Watt(s)



 223 ft

 Bergmästaregatan 8, 981 33 Kiruna, Sweden

 Bergmästaregatan 8, 981 33 Kiruna, Sweden

This is as high up in Sweden as you can get. The run starts in the old part of the city which is planned to be demolished. Basically this area is sinking due to all the mining in the area. The impressive church that comes up in the beginning will also be moved.
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Classifica Kinomap
Pos. Nome utente Chrono Date
1 00:09:18 2/6/2025
2 00:09:52 1/24/2025
3 00:10:14 1/13/2025
4 00:10:33 1/11/2025
5 00:10:48 1/24/2025

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