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😍⛰ Alpe d'Huez via Pas de la Confession (🇫🇷)

Likes image 197 Mi piace
Comments image 22 Commenti


 12.221 mi


 169.60 Watt(s)



 3832 ft

 170 Route de la ville, 38114 Allemont, France

 22 Place du Cognet, 38750 Huez, France


This video takes an alternative climb to the famous Alpe d'Huez, much nicer and quieter than the 'standard' road. The climb starts at the Lac du Verney and goes through the forest up to the Pas de Confession (around km 13) and then joins 1-2 km later the standard road from Bourg d'Oisans. The 'balcony road' between kms 10-14 is really beautiful!! All together a very tough climb, great for well-trained people. Nice views and sunny conditions. Good luck and enjoy!!

Interested in doing other huge climbs, see long epic climbs

For lots of videos of cols, see: Cols in France and Cols in Switzerland

(PS: 'likes' and 'comments' on the video are much appreciated. Please send comments on the functioning of the app to the User Support)

For more than 1000 scenic videos all over Europe, see my other videos by Gonvil and Playlists by Gonvil.

 Segmenti di Strava

Porzioni di questo video sono effettivi segmenti di Strava

 1.305 mi
  594 ft
 1.923 mi
  820 ft
 4.324 mi
  1713 ft
Classifica Kinomap
Pos. Nome utente Chrono Date
1 00:28:58 1/7/2021
2 00:32:14 1/18/2024
3 00:33:57 5/19/2023
4 00:34:29 12/4/2024
5 00:36:44 1/25/2024

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