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🦕 TransJura (15/62): le Pont to Montougy

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 7.507 mi


 97.40 Watt(s)



 656 ft

 Rue du Collège 3, 1342 Le Pont, Switzerland

 Le Rosay 951, 1337 Vallorbe, Switzerland


Enjoy another highlight on KINOMAP: TransJura

Starting from Geneva airport you will ride along and aross the mountain chain of the Jura. You will cross the Swiss-Fench border several times, until you end the ride in the heart of the city of Basel.

Enjoy this long and diverse ride mostly in the countryside.

You may ride on shortes parts (01 to 62) or on longer stages A to AD.

--- the video plan for the shorter parts -------------
TransJura (01/62): Geneva airport to Geneva lake
TransJura (02/62): Geneva lake to Geneva outbound (Onex)
TransJura (03/62): Onex to Dardagny
TransJura (04/62): Dardagny to Choully
TransJura (05/62): Choully to Bossy
TransJura (06/62): Bossy to Crassier 
TransJura (07/62): Crassier to Trélex
TransJura (08/62): Trélex to St.-Cergue
TransJura (09/62): St.-Cergue to Bassins
TransJura (10/62): Bassins to "jurassic"
TransJura (11/62): "jurassic" to Le Pré aux Veaux
TransJura (12/62): le Pré aux Veaux to le Cerney
TransJura (13/62): le Cerney to le Sentier
TransJura (14/62): le Sentier to le Pont
TransJura (15/62): le Pont to Montougy
TransJura (16/62): Montougy to Orbe
TransJura (17/62): Orbe to Rances
TransJura (18/62): Rances to Baulmes
TransJura (19/62): Baulmes to Pré Mincin
TransJura (20/62): Pré Mincin to La Combette
TransJura (21/62): La Combette to Ste.-Croix
TransJura (22/62): Ste.-Croix to La Chaux
TransJura (23/62): La Chaux to La Côte aux Fées
TransJura (24/62): La Côte aux Fées to Les Verrières
TransJura (25/62): Les Verrières to Les Petits-Cernets
TransJura (26/62): Les Petits-Cernets to La Sauge
TransJura (27/62): La Sauge to La Brévine: coldest spot in Switzerland
TransJura (28/62): La Brévine to Le Quartier
TransJura (29/62): Le Quartier to Les Ponts-de-Martel
TransJura (30/62): Les Ponts-de-Martel to La Sagne-Eglise
TransJura (31/62): La Sagne-Eglise to Rondelle
TransJura (32/62): Rondelle to La Chaux-de Fonds
TransJura (33/62): La Chaux-de Fonds to High Way Crossing
TransJura (34/62): High Way Crossing to Derrière-Pertuis
TransJura (35/62): Derrière-Pertuis to Sonvilier
TransJura (36/62): Sonvilier to Le Mont Rossel
TransJura (37/62): Le Mont Rossel to Les Breuleux
TransJura (38/62): Les Breuleux to Le Noirmont
TransJura (39/62): Le Noirmont to Saignelégier
TransJura (40/62): Saignelégier to St-Brais
TransJura (41/62): St-Brais to St-Ursanne
TransJura (42/62): St-Ursanne to Courgenay
TransJura (43/62): Courgenay to Chevenez
TransJura (44/62): Chevenez to Réclère
TransJura (45/62): Réclère to Villars-le-Sec (F)
TransJura (46/62): Villars-le-Sec (F) to Delle (F)
TransJura (47/62): Delle (F) to Montignez
TransJura (48/62): Montignez to Beurnevésin
TransJura (49/62): Beurnevésin to Vendlincourt
TransJura (50/62): Vendlincourt to Cornol
TransJura (51/62): Cornol to col des Rangiers
TransJura (52/62): col des Rangiers to Delémont
TransJura (53/62): Delemont to Liesberg-Riederwald
TransJura (54/62): Liesberg-Riederwald to Huggerwald
TransJura (55/62): Huggerwald to Bärschwil
TransJura (56/62): Bärschwil to Grindel
TransJura (57/62): Grindel to Güggelhof 
TransJura (58/62): Güggelhof to Nunningen
TransJura (59/62): Nunningen to Himmelried
TransJura (60/62): Himmelried to Hochwald
TransJura (61/62): Hochwald to Muttenz
TransJura (62/62): Muttenz to Basel

--- the video plan for the longer stages -------------
TransJura (A/AD): Geneva Airport to Geneva/Onex
TransJura (B/AD): Onex to Choully
TransJura (C/AD): Choully to Crassier
TransJura (D/AD): Crassier to St-Cergue
TransJura (E/AD): St-Cergue to Le Jubillet
TransJura (F/AD): le Jubillet to Le Pré aux Veaux
TransJura (G/AD): le Pré aux Veaux to le Brassus
TransJura (H/AD): le Brassus to le Pont
TransJura (I/AD): le Pont to Orbe
TransJura (J/AD): Orbe to Baulmes
TransJura (K/AD): Baulmes to Ste.-Croix: col de l'Aiguillon
TransJura (L/AD): Ste.-Croix to Les Verrières
TransJura (M/AD): Les Verrières to La Brévine: coldest spot in Switzerland
TransJura (N/AD): La Brévine to Les Ponts-de-Martel
TransJura (O/AD): Les Ponts-de-Martel to La Chaux-de-Fonds
TransJura (P/AD): La Chaux-de-Fonds to Sonvilier
TransJura (Q/AD): Sonvilier to Les Breuleux
TransJura (R/AD): Les Breuleux to Saignelégier
TransJura (S/AD): Saignelégier to St-Ursanne
TransJura (T/AD): St-Ursanne to Courgenay
TransJura (U/AD): Courgenay to Réclère
TransJura (V/AD): Réclère to Delle (F)
TransJura (W/AD): Delle (F) to Beurnevésin
TransJura (X/AD): Beurnevésin to Cornol
TransJura (Y/AD): Cornol to Delémont
TransJura (Z/AD): Delemont to Huggerwald
TransJura (AA/AD): Huggerwald to Grindel
TransJura (AB/AD): Grindel to Nunningen
TransJura (AC/AD): Nunnigen to Gempen
TransJura (AD/AD): Gempen to Basel

Video recorded and uploaded in 2.7k format.

Enjoy riding and keep smiling on uphills.

See all my rides on the map

See also my playlists


 Segmenti di Strava

Porzioni di questo video sono effettivi segmenti di Strava

 4.113 mi
  184 ft
 2.961 mi
  0 ft
 3.342 mi
  26 ft
Classifica Kinomap
Pos. Nome utente Chrono Date
1 00:15:12 1/7/2024
2 00:19:23 9/14/2024
3 00:19:23 3/30/2024
4 00:20:26 1/3/2024
5 00:20:31 1/3/2024

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