Angel G Retamero
I am passionate about sports, especially running. One day, I bought a treadmill to enjoy running without needing to go outside when I didn't have much time. That's when I discovered an app like Kinomap, which added an extra level of motivation and fun to my workouts.
Due to my job, I frequently travel, and I love recording videos with my GoPro to share with Kinomap users, allowing them to experience the excitement of running through interesting places. I always aim to capture routes that offer a sense of adventure, making it feel like you’re running alongside me.
Another important aspect of my videos is that I like to provide details about where I’m running and what I'm passing by, sometimes sharing a relevant anecdote to make the experience even more immersive.
I hope my videos are both interesting and enjoyable for the community.
Best regards,
Welcome to Dublin! Lace up your running shoes and get ready to explore the city’s iconic landmarks while staying fit. You can discover places like St. Stephen’s Green, Trinity College, the River Liffey, the Ha'penny Bridge, and Phoenix Park during different training sessions. As you run through famous neighborhoods like Temple Bar, you’ll feel the vibrant energy of the city. Along the way, you’ll also encounter pieces of Ireland’s history, including episodes like the Great Famine. Each run will not only boost your fitness but also immerse you in the rich history and charm of Dublin. Bienvenue à Dublin! Enfilez vos chaussures de course et préparez-vous à explorer les monuments emblématiques de la ville tout en restant en forme. Vous pourrez découvrir des lieux comme St. Stephen’s Green, Trinity College, la rivière Liffey, le Ha'penny Bridge et Phoenix Park lors de différentes séances d'entraînement. En parcourant des quartiers célèbres comme Temple Bar, vous ressentirez l'énergie vibrante de la ville. En chemin, vous découvrirez aussi des éléments de l'histoire irlandaise, comme l'épisode de la Grande Famine. Chaque course vous permettra non seulement d'améliorer votre condition physique mais aussi de vous plonger dans l'histoire et le charme de Dublin. ¡Bienvenido a Dublín! Ponte las zapatillas y prepárate para explorar los lugares emblemáticos de la ciudad mientras te mantienes en forma. Podrás descubrir lugares como St. Stephen’s Green, el Trinity College, el río Liffey, el Ha'penny Bridge y el Phoenix Park en diferentes sesiones de entrenamiento. Mientras corres por barrios famosos como Temple Bar, sentirás la vibrante energía de la ciudad. A lo largo del camino, también conocerás la historia de Irlanda, incluidos episodios como el de la Gran Hambruna. Cada carrera no solo mejorará tu condición física, sino que también te sumergirá en la rica historia y el encanto de Dublín.