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🇨🇭 ❤️ Matter-of-the-Heart-Loop Willisau - Willisau 2/3: Langnau im Emmental - Entlebuch

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 26.567 mi


 164.20 Watt(s)



 3087 ft

 Niedermoos 226, 3550 Langnau im Emmental, Switzerland

 Bahnhofstrasse 33, 6162 Entlebuch, Switzerland


Another Day in the Holey Land 🧀 of a 1001 valley and hills. Fantastic stage of the 🇨🇭 ❤️ Matter-of-the-Heart-Loop Willisau - Willisau from Langnau in the Emmental to Entlebuch. All wonders come with time. Cheese, for example, tastes pretty good cold, but when you let it warm for about 45 minutes, it‘s outstanding…so is a journey through the Emmental, the home of the famous holey cheese 🧀 and the Entlebuch 🦆📓 : the longer you stay here the more transcendent it feels (above all when weather is warm as well). One of the most beautiful tours I ever made (and may be filmed)! Did the trip with the MTB: stage 2 is possible with road bike, stages 1 and 3 have some segments on natural and gravel roads. Look for 🇨🇭 ❤️ Matter-of-the-Heart-Loop Willisau - Willisau 1/3: Willisau - Langnau im Emmental and 🇨🇭 ❤️ Matter-of-the-Heart-Loop Willisau - Willisau 3/3: Langnau im Entlebuch - Willisau


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Kinomap klassement
Pos. Gebruikersnaam Chrono Date
1 00:47:52 5/4/2024
2 00:49:40 2/6/2024
3 00:49:49 2/5/2024
4 00:57:59 8/27/2023
5 01:00:30 9/4/2023

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