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RowAlong - Descending time intervals from 6 minutes to 30 seconds

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After a 4 minute warmup, row:

6:00 5:30 5:00 4:30 4:00 3:30 3:00 2:30 2:00 1:30 1:00 0:30

With 90 seconds rest between each.

Starting pace should be around 2K+12 - around 7/10 And you should look to go faster on each interval.

I row this at 28spm the whole way through - feel free to follow me, or pick whatever stroke rate gets you to go faster. Just do not slow down!

Go to www.RowAlong.com for more information on what I'm trying to do with this channel. Go to www,indoorrowinginfo.com for more info about indoor rowing And go to www.indoorrowinginfo.com/fmmc if you'd like to take part in the FMMC indoor rowing challenge - a year long rolling challenge. This month, it's Half Marathon.