× Kinomap, Be on Track!

Bike. 13 km. Winter. Belgium-Netherlands - Limburg Sippenaeken Mechelen 38 min. Sunny winter day

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 7.867 mi


 83.60 Watt(s)



 705 ft

 Pl. Saint-Lambert 1, 4851 Plombières, Belgium

 Hoofdstraat 40, 6281 BD Mechelen, Netherlands

Bike. 13 km. Winter Belgium - Netherlands - Limburg Sippenaeken-Mechelen 38 min. Sunny winter day The second segment of a clockwise tour on the hills and through the valleys of Limburg (The Netherlands) and Wallonia and Flanders (Belgium). Starting in the village of Sippenaeken, Wallonia, Belgium. Biking through the forests and meadows of Wallonia and Flanders, Near the village of Teuven heading north to The Netherlands and the city of Mechelen. With markers every (few) kilometer(s) (and some information on the surroundings). Footage 7 March 2022

Delen van deze video zijn de eigenlijk Strava-segmenten

 584 yd
  121 ft
Rie de Beusdael 1e top
 783 yd
  105 ft
power sprint 300m
 328 yd
  20 ft
Gieveld tot aan de Smokkelaar
 1.49 mi
  243 ft
Rue de Beusdael (laatste stuk tot top)
 1611 yd
  223 ft
Kinomap klassement
Pos. Gebruikersnaam Chrono Date
1 00:18:17 7/12/2023
2 00:22:28 7/14/2023
3 00:23:55 7/23/2023
4 00:23:57 7/14/2023
5 00:24:21 7/14/2023

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