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Belgrade 🚶 Ada Bridge

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 1.811 mi


 118.00 Watt(s)



 59 ft

 Улаз 1, 19v, Jurija Gagarina, Sava Quay, New Belgrade, New Belgrade Urban Municipality, Belgrade, City of Belgrade, Central Serbia, 11070, Serbia

 Обала мајора Драгутина Гавриловића, МЗ Топчидерско брдо-Сењак, Београд (Савски венац), Savski Venac Urban Municipality, Belgrade, City of Belgrade, Central Serbia, 11002, Serbia


Belgrade, the capital of Serbia, is situated on the confluence of river Sava into Danube. A number of bridges connects the two Sava embankments. Between the embankments there is a large river island, Ada. One of the bridges goes over it's tip and is therefore called Ada bridge. Let's find it!

[Recorded on 2024-06-26] I am mostly visiting some special places in Central Europe - by kayak, on foot and by bike. Follow me to stay informed, or see all my videos...

☮ Make love, not war. Stay free! Peace! ☮

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