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Get Fit by Rowing - Row 3 - 30 mins with speed dips - Zone 2 HR

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 Rowing Machine



United Kingdom - English


The harder you work, the fitter you'll get, right? Wrong. Take this one easy - and get huge fitness gains.

It's a simple 30 minute, low intensity, 20 strokes per minute row, but I've made it even easiser by doing the back / arms and legs only drills every 4 minutes.

Why? Well the point of these low intensity Zone 2 rows is to keep your heart rate between 60 and 70% of your maxHR. And for many reasons, during a 30 minute 20spm row, you can break out of that zone. So the 1 minute drill work gives you a chance for your HR to drop by 10 beats or so while you carry on putting in some effort.

➔HR Training Zone = Zone 2 (60-70% maxHR)

➔Effort/10 = Low intensity is 5-6/10 (You can hold a conversation)

➔2K Training page - 2K+18-20 (See below for 2K pace info)

❗ If you have a heart rate monitor, and would like to use HR Zones for training, but haven't done a maxHR test, you can use the calculator on my webpage: https://rowalong.com/calculating-maxhr/ A test is more accurate, but this will at least get you going with HR training ❗