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Get Fit by Rowing - Row 6 - FAST - TABATA - ZONE 5 HR

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 Rowing Machine



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Hit the MAX in VO2max in this short but intense row! 3 x TABATA rows (20 seconds Max, 10 seconds rest) should leave you exhausted (in a good way!)

There's no real need for a heart rate monitor in this row - other than to make sure you're rowing at MAX - which means 90-100% of your maximum HR. The 2 minute rests will let your heart come down a bit, but you won't fully recover.

➔HR Training Zone = Zone5 - 90-100% of MAX!
➔Effort/10 = 10/10
➔2K Training page - There isn't really one, but 2K - 10 is a good goal

⚠You MUST row the 20 seconds at max effort.  High stroke rate and max power.  It's only 8 minutes of rowing in total.  And if you're not putting everything into each 20 second row, you won't get the VO2max training benefit that this row is designed to give you. ⚠

Don't worry if you fade as you go through the workout.  That's a GOOD SIGN! It means you're working at max, which is unsubstainable.  Just keep putting everything into the row that you can, even if you're slower by the end of each 4 minute chunk. 

💓  If you have a heart rate monitor, and would like to use HR Zones for training, but haven't done a maxHR test, you can use the calculator on my webpage: https://rowalong.com/calculating-maxhr/   A test is more accurate, but this will at least get you going with HR training 💓

‼‼‼ (Usual disclaimer here that as this is a MAX EFFORT row, it's important that you know your body is ok to do this.  If in doubt, check with your doctor). ‼‼‼