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😍⛰ Relais du Mont du Chat - 1504m (🇫🇷)

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 8.607 mi


 209.30 Watt(s)



 4022 ft

 Boulevard du Lac, 73370 Le Bourget-du-Lac, France

 D42, 73370 Le Bourget-du-Lac, France


This climb is in the top 20 of toughest road climbs in France. Not very long but steep all the way, with an average of 9% over 13 km. Very nice views over the 'Lac du Bourget' at the top at 1504 m. Good luck and enjoy!!

Interested in doing other huge climbs, see long epic climbs

See my other videos and playlists at videos by Gonvil 

For lots of videos of cols, see: Cols in France and Cols in Switzerland

 Strava segments

Portions of this video are actual Strava segments

 8.329 mi
  3990 ft
 8.26 mi
  3980 ft
 8.353 mi
  3993 ft
 1471 yd
  1345 ft
Kinomap rank
Pos. Username Chrono Date
1 00:41:06 9/3/2021
2 00:45:10 4/29/2020
3 00:46:31 4/29/2023
4 00:46:41 12/12/2021
5 00:47:50 7/6/2024

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