× Kinomap, Be on Track!

12 Rows of Christmas - 9 Minute Trilogy

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 Rowing Machine



United Kingdom - English


Row 3 x 9 minute intervals with 3 minute rests
🚣A MID/HARD INTENSITY WORKOUT on the Intensity Pyramid🚣‍♀️

➔Pace Guide: 20 strokes per minute at 2K+10-12 (see below for 2K pace info)  
➔Effort = 7-8/10
➔Speech = Getting tough

❗ Remember, MID intensity isn't easy - this is about putting you into a place of discomfort and then needing to push through it - this is a HARD (but not maximum) row. ❗

All of the 20spm rowing we've been doing through this series has been leading up to this - pushing the pace faster than usual for 20spm. Hopefully you've got the technique and groove right for pushing in the power. Remember - keep that forward tilt, and arms straight as you drive out with the legs. Only when you're half way through the leg drive should you swing over your hips and then pull in your arms. 

At the end of the row, while I say goodbye, I've put up the basic stretches that I do when I've finished rowing.