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Bike. 55 km. Spring. Germany - North-Rhine-Westphalia Rhine (Wesel-Orsoy-Wesel) 2 h 39 min. 54,8 km

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 34.091 mi


 53.60 Watt(s)



 325 ft

 Schillstraße, Zitadellenviertel, Wesel, Kreis Wesel, North Rhine-Westphalia, 46483, Germany

 Schillstraße, Zitadellenviertel, Wesel, Kreis Wesel, North Rhine-Westphalia, 46483, Germany

Bike. 55 km. Spring. Germany - North-Rhine-Westphalia Rhine (Wesel-Orsoy-Wesel) 2 h 39 min. 54,83 km. Starting in Wesel near the confluence of the Rhine and Lippe rivers. Biking south on the left bank of the Rhine, passing the villages of Büderich, Wallach and Ossenberg. Crossing the Rhine at Orsoy with the ferry. A detour around a Kraftwerk on the right bank of the Rhine, at Alt Walsum. Then north on the High Water Protection Dike to Eppinghofen, Götterwickerhamm and Mehrum.Back to the Lippeaue (wetlands of the Lippe) and after crossing the Lippe again back home. Sunny weather, some clouds. Footage April 2022
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Pos. Username Chrono Date
1 01:11:20 2/18/2024
2 01:15:13 2/10/2024
3 01:21:43 5/3/2024
4 01:22:41 2/16/2024
5 01:24:37 1/10/2024

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