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😍⛰ Col de St Nizier de Moucherotte from Villard (🇫🇷)

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 10.757 mi


 150.70 Watt(s)



 794 ft

 95 Route de la Balmette, 38250 Villard-de-Lans, France

 5A Place du 4 Avril 1929, 38250 Saint-Nizier-du-Moucherotte, France


Some call it a 'col', others a 'cote'; anyhow it is a pleasant ride uphill to 1168 m altitude with on average a small gradient, so FULL POWER! Enjoy!!

See my other videos and playlists at videos by Gonvil 

For lots of videos of cols, see: Cols in France and Cols in Switzerland

 Strava segments

Portions of this video are actual Strava segments

 4.838 mi
  427 ft
 4.592 mi
  417 ft
 4.629 mi
  446 ft
 4.705 mi
  420 ft
Kinomap rank
Pos. Username Chrono Date
1 00:27:21 4/10/2023
2 00:28:18 6/15/2023
3 00:31:30 1/13/2024
4 00:32:13 11/13/2021
5 00:32:29 11/13/2020

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