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😍😍⛰ Colle del Nivolet: Italy's beauty (🇮🇹)

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 11.176 mi


 166.70 Watt(s)



 3392 ft

 Borgata Capoluogo, 14, 10080 Ceresole Reale TO, Italy

 Colle del Nivolet, SP50, 10080 Ceresole reale TO, Italy


ONE OF THE MOST SCENIC AND IMPRESSIVE COLS I have ever climbed!! A very quiet road brings you to 2612 m altitude, with a couple of mountain lakes, and very wide superb views. This ride has it all, even though it is not easy with 1000 m elevation gain over 18 kms. An abolsute must to try (if it is too hard, you can split it up over 2-3 days). Good luck and enjoy!!

Interested in doing other huge climbs, see long epic climbs

(PS: 'likes' and 'comments' on the video are much appreciated. Please send comments on the functioning of the app to the User Support)

For more than 1000 scenic videos all over Europe, see my other videos by Gonvil and Playlists by Gonvil.



 3.836 mi
  1283 ft
 2.521 mi
  971 ft
kinomap 排行
Pos. 用户名 Chrono Date
1 00:32:53 1/3/2024
2 00:33:09 2/23/2023
3 00:39:41 2/13/2022
4 00:40:16 2/8/2022
5 00:40:30 2/24/2022


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