× Kinomap, Be on Track!

Spanish Fork River Trail

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 12.243 mi


 81.90 Watt(s)



 148 ft

 Spanish Fork River Trail, Spanish Fork, Utah County, Utah, United States

 Spanish Fork River Trail, Spanish Fork, Utah County, Utah, United States


This is an out-and-back ride on a flat, paved bike path along a river in Utah, with a detour following the path through some farm fields. There are mountains in the distance and blue sky with some clouds. A lot of grasshoppers were on the path, and I could hear them hitting my wheels and feel them hitting my legs. So, look for the grasshoppers jumping around or resting on the pavement.



 402 yd
  0 ft
 425 yd
  0 ft
kinomap 排行
Pos. 用户名 Chrono Date
1 00:25:06 11/22/2023
2 00:26:16 11/22/2023
3 00:26:32 11/22/2023
4 00:26:35 11/22/2023
5 00:27:43 11/22/2023


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