Nice area to take ride, but to be honest I didn‘t like the way ist was filmed since there is a lot to much shaking and head turning. Thx for uploading anyway!
DebASaw54 - 5year
Wow what a fantastic area, thanks for sharing
steve9 - 5year
Not bad not as f####d
steve9 - 5year
Not bad not as f####d
Heiner58 - 5year
Ja super
Margius - 5year
Frank-Roland - 5year
Klasse Tuor
robbarham - 5year
Bit shaky, but interesting environment
LudoThijs - 5year
Vreselijk slecht gefilmd. Beelden maken me misselojk, ook bij lage snelheid. Verwijder dit filmpje aub!
I didn't resist in renting a bike and making some footage around Mountain View's Google offices. This was done this Sunday morning: very nice and quiet day. Shot with my GoPro HD Hero cam and GPS data logged with Amod GPS Datalogger.