× Kinomap, Be on Track!

Leoben 🚴 Southern Loop

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 4.776 mi


 44.00 Watt(s)



 203 ft

 Hamerlinggasse 9, 8700 Leitendorf, Austria

 Hamerlinggasse 12, 8700 Leitendorf, Austria


Short, almost flat ride on a perfect early spring sunny Saturday. The first half follows an abandoned railway track (and includes my very first try on a local pumptrack, 😱 huh!). The second half visits the Leoben's neighborhood called Göß, where quite some industries are situated (you will see: AT&S - a printed circuit board of your phone maybe comes from them; M-M - a paper box of your flakes maybe comes from them; Gösser - a beer you should try, if you haven't yet).

More of my videos: Playlist about the Leoben region (central Austria, EU).

BTW, in 2023 I'll try to visit a lot of very special places - by foot, by bike and by kayak. Stay tuned...

☮ Make love, not war. Peace! ☮



 1036 yd
  26 ft
kinomap 排行
Pos. 用户名 Chrono Date
1 00:12:53 3/14/2023
2 00:13:05 9/9/2023
3 00:13:30 3/31/2023
4 00:13:42 3/12/2023
5 00:14:06 3/12/2023


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