Nice ride. Great cycle path starting about 1/3 through. Map and video became disconnected about 2/3 of the route. Not sure if problem with kino or gps.
Jacek PL - 4year
Something wrong with GPS
Ine - 4year
Love it! Been there on holiday, beautiful Sud Tirol.
ManniBulls - 4year
Super Tour danke✌️
Loustik - 4year
Bonjour beaucoup trop de coupures vidéo.
BikerMan - 4year
!!! Movie and GPS are not in sync !!!
Stephan 1975 - 4year
Schöne Tour, leider die letzten beiden Video Sequenzen vertauscht!
JohnSJS - 4year
Good views all the way. Many thanks.
tunatornado - 4year
Great views. Very flat
sebcucheval - 4year
J'ai mal aux fesses...
MaurizioTestai1 - 4year
AndyEGTA - 4year
Beautiful scenery!
Stanmaywall - 4year
Décalage entre carte et vidéo
jean.claude.martin - 4year
fantastic views, thx
Arthur59 - 4year
robborrel - 4year
Great vid, Thanks!
FlofloOnBike - 4year
Saccade trop
Vivi31 - 4year
Grandiose 😍👍 Merci
Lagoon86 - 4year
Superbe paysage et dénivelé parfait pour rouler tranquillement
LPL - 4year
For some reason I can't get it working. Crashes in about 45 sec from start. Even downloading it didn't help.
GavinDuffy - 4year
who was our companion?
mattsmyboy - 4year
Kudos to those out front some great times, maybe if I was 20kg lighter and 20 years younger 😂
cristiangalli - 4year
Duerer - 4year
IngridGo42 - 4year
Le paysage est très ennuyeux au départ mais après c'est sympa
k1bap03 - 4year
Beautiful ride, I am going to find this place and ride in person!
Jean-Luc701 - 4year
Belle balade
Stevemay - 4year
Non sempre sincronizzato il GPS. Percorso perfetto per ripartire dopo Natale 👋
Zhaine - 4year
Fini en 57 min
ForzaSimone - 4year
there 's something wrong
Caipi1893 - 4year
52bafd88a5ab3c4635a056405f3fa243 - 4year
lwuermli - 4year
Menni - 4year
45 Minutes Fat Burning Training 30/12/2020
Blackdog33 - 4year
Great ride. Beautiful country.
Blackdog33 - 4year
Great ride. Beautiful country.
Kronier#1 - 4year
Video stops btwn 19-30 min
RokCve - 4year
JoergM - 4year
exzellent warm—up
Blackdog33 - 4year
Nice ride!
Fred5476 - 4year
Cookie11 - 4year
the video is too flat compared to the course.
Markuslauf - 4year
Muss auf der Strecke dauernd einer vorher fahren?
Ewela - 4year
Nice Thanks
nrothenberg - 4year
There was.a couple of spots with rough edits
JFKS - 4year
Jean-Bernard Reuter - 4year
Demme88 - 4year
Verre Good ride
Bricou55 - 4year
Impeccable pour faire tourner les jambes sans forcer. Bonne vidéo.
resnet - 4year
Super Video
Bull-Beermann - 4year
Super Tour 👍
Francboszhard - 4year
Martin-1969 - 4year
Tolles Panorama! 👍
b045610b520e95142049898b758f6c77 - 4year
ckienhuis - 4year
Lekker doortraopen
Ewela - 4year
Nice Pano, Thanks
FRB22 - 4year
Bucket - 4year
Great, enjoyed.thanks
Ducati996 - 4year
Video and map did not sync.
HelmutQualtinger - 4year
Sehr schöne Strecke, stockt leider oft.
AnitaKH - 4year
Unfortunately the last few miniutes of the video had problems with loading, but it is a nice ride.
Good ride, nice to see her again, spent years following her on you tube training videos
a4f5d2733abdb0738223ab6004d8048d - 4year
Theo28 - 4year
Die Tour gemäß Karte und das Video waren wohl zufällig zusammengekommen?
Passat_Driver - 4year
Schöne Strecke mit einem tollen Panorama. Bisschen mehr Abwechslung hätte aber auch gut getan. 👍👍
fabrili78 - 4year
je déteste voir une paire de fesses qui me cache la route 👎👎👎👎
TineBiene1970 - 4year
sehr schön😎
Fiatbravo - 4year
Geweldig mooie rit
ed23 - 3year
Schnullerzwerg - 3year
Gute Tour
LindseyS - 3year
Gmos - 3year
Tolle Strecke 👍👍👍
HNT - 3year
Super !
VIGNOLA - 3year
Vue en plan non conforme au circuit à l’écran principal¿¿
trytoto - 3year
Nice scenery. High Video quality. Unfortunately Speed and difficulty don't match well.
vonp - 3year
Eine wirklich schöne Strecke. Nur schade, dass sich über lange Strecke eine Person in den Vordergrund drängt. Ich persönlich genieße lieber die Landschaft als einen rucken zu sehen.
HP-Tiengen - 3year
Philhon - 3year
radeanugheorghe - 3year
Foarte tare😀👍❤️
EVPVStevie - 3year
13m short of the podium despite a hard charge to the finish the last 2 kms.
hout - 3year
citysurfer - 3year
Nice tour, thanks! Liked that someone appears from time to time riding along with me ;)
citysurfer - 3year
Love it
Lyscalais1 - 3year
paolin - 3year
il video è bello, ma la connessione salta e mi ha fatto ripartire dall'inizio 4 volte. avrei voluto fare l'abbonamento, ma ho cambiato idea, vista la cattiva qualità del.servizio
Flea - 3year
Flea - 3year
roby51 - 3year
Velocità di riproduzione del video non corrispondente alla realtà.
andrewhogg - 2year
video cut location and back later on, sequence is wrong
IngeWall - 1year
Nice ride! 👍😎🚴🏻♂️
Chippie40 - 1year
Great trip! Nice scenery but I prefer she cycles behind you.
Jippie75 - 343d
Mooie omgeving, maar afspeelsnelheid klopt niet. Er lijkt ook geknipt in deze video. Jammer