× Kinomap, Be on Track!

Bike. 12 km. Spring. Germany - North-Rhine-Westphalia Rhine (Ossenberg-Orsoy) 38 min. Sun.

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 7.456 mi


 45.30 Watt(s)



 62 ft

 An der Momm, Ossenberg, Rheinberg, Kreis Wesel, North Rhine-Westphalia, 47495, Germany

 Rheinfähre Walsum, Fährstraße, Orsoy, Rheinberg, Kreis Wesel, North Rhine-Westphalia, 47495, Germany

Bike. 12 km. Spring Germany - North-Rhine-Westphalia Rhine (Ossenberg-Orsoy) (Middle Segment of Wesel-Orsoy-Wesel) 38 min. 12,0 km. Sun. Middle Segment of the Wesel-Orsoy-Wesel bike tour along the left and right banks of the Rhine river. Starting near Ossenberg. Biking south on the left bank of the Rhine, to Orsoy and the Orsoy-Walsum Ferry, where this segment ends. Sunny weather (Some clouds) 38 min. 12,0 km. Footage April 2022


Rheindeich Ossenberg bis Orsoy
 5.628 mi
  39 ft
Anfahrt Fähranleger
 577 yd
  0 ft
Schnell!!! Die Fährmann wartet nicht⛴
 629 yd
  0 ft
Plasterstein Ride
 1.396 mi
  7 ft
Deichsprint Ossenberg-Rheinberg
 1.273 mi
  10 ft
kinomap 排行
Pos. 用户名 Chrono Date
1 00:15:56 4/9/2024
2 00:16:33 12/17/2023
3 00:20:06 4/25/2024
4 00:20:15 11/12/2023
5 00:21:47 12/16/2023


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