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Park of the Breggia Gorges

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 3.49 mi


 111.00 Watt(s)



 866 ft

 Via Ghitello 3, 6834 Morbio Inferiore, Switzerland

 Via Maestri Comacini 1, 6834 Morbio Inferiore, Switzerland


The "Parco delle Gole della Breggia" is located in the Muggio Valley and develops along the river of the same name. The Breggia river discovers rocks that open a unique window on the Earth's past. It is the geology that makes this Park one of the most important geotypes in Switzerland.

About 80 million years ago, between the Jurassic and Tertiary Periods, water began eroding the rocks, creating the formations we see today. The stones hold the evidence of these ancient seas: fossils, the remains of underwater, avalanches and signs of climate change that all occurred before humans ever existed. 

In the heart of the Park the imposing structures of the Saceba cement factory, now in disuse, have been preserved in order to offer a testimony to Ticino's economic history.



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1 00:11:38 4/1/2022
2 00:15:50 10/24/2022
3 00:18:57 4/4/2022
4 00:24:02 7/11/2022
5 00:27:03 4/3/2022


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