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MTB ride from Westridge Woods to Stinchcombe hill

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 5.273 mi


 93.60 Watt(s)



 971 ft

 8, Bradley Road, Wotton-under-Edge, Stroud, Gloucestershire, England, GL12 7EA, United Kingdom

 Cam, Dursley, Stroud, Gloucestershire, England, GL11 6AQ, United Kingdom

A cold but sunny MTB ride through Westridge Woods, past Tyndale's Monument, through North Nibley and Nibley Valley and up Stinchcombe Hill. Could not film the next section as it was too foggy. See 'MTB ride from Dursley Woods to Westridge Woods' for the second part of the ride.


 545 yd
  0 ft
kinomap 排行
Pos. 用户名 Chrono Date
1 00:14:52 2/12/2025
2 00:17:47 2/23/2025
3 00:18:46 2/13/2025
4 00:20:37 2/22/2025
5 00:23:04 2/12/2025


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