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Doddie'5 Classic 2023 part4-Hawick2Melrose

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 16.656 mi


 82.70 Watt(s)



 1617 ft

 Barrie Knitwear, Hamilton Road, Burnfoot South Industrial Area, Burnfoot, Hawick, Scottish Borders, Scotland, TD9 8AP, United Kingdom

 Melrose Police Station, High Cross Avenue, Dingleton, Melrose, Scottish Borders, Scotland, TD6 9SA, United Kingdom


This is Part 4, the final part, of a long ride through the Scottish Borders. It was a sponsored Bike ride in commemoration of Doddie Weir, a scottish international rugby player (No:5), who developed Motor Neurone Disease(MND). He set up a foundation to fund research into MND and this is the annual fundraising bike ride for 2023. The whole ride is split into 4 parts, riding between the rugby clubs in the Borders, Melrose, Kelso, Jedburgh and Hawick. This, along with part 1, was the most enjoyable although, by this time, the uphills were getting harder, but more of a tailwind.

Doddie'5 Classic 2023 - part 1 - Melrose2Kelso

Doddie'5 Classic 2023 - part 2 - Kelso2Jedburgh

Doddie'5 Classic 2023 - part3- Jedburgh2Hawick

My Name'5 Doddie Foundation 

Comments and likes always welcome



 1.177 mi
  0 ft
 472 yd
  33 ft
 1030 yd
  95 ft
 655 yd
  26 ft
 355 yd
  95 ft
kinomap 排行
Pos. 用户名 Chrono Date
1 00:43:09 6/14/2024
2 00:47:13 12/20/2023
3 00:51:53 2/13/2025
4 00:52:37 1/7/2025
5 01:02:35 11/18/2023


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