× Kinomap, Be on Track!

Calm After the Storm Part 1

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 26.216 mi


 143.10 Watt(s)



 1230 ft

 101 King St W, Dundas, ON L9H 1V1, Canada

 21 Beverly St W, Saint George, ON N0E 1N0, Canada

This video is the second half of calm before the storm that was uploaded a couple of weeks ago. There are two parts. Some have asked me to combine my videos. FYI my videos are typically 90 minutes to 1 hr 45 mins due to the capacity of the gopro battery. Also I've been told by kinomap that the average rider in this app is riding for shorter durations so long videos don't often get utilized. Sorry about the hill that starts this ride. I hope you like the video. If you do please give a like. Thanks for riding with me.


 1673 yd
  371 ft
 1324 yd
  371 ft
 1372 yd
  367 ft
 1.265 mi
  62 ft
kinomap 排行
Pos. 用户名 Chrono Date
1 01:01:33 12/5/2021
2 01:07:00 5/8/2023
3 01:11:28 4/1/2023
4 01:12:50 9/17/2021
5 01:13:14 2/5/2022


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