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Snohomish, WA Lower Centennial Trail - Will Run for Beer 5k Series

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 3.372 mi


 129.00 Watt(s)



 49 ft

 510 2nd St, Snohomish, WA 98290, USA

 510 2nd St, Snohomish, WA 98290, USA


This is the course for the "Will Run For Beer" 5k which starts on the centennial trail near SnoTown Brewery. The video is in the late winter in the Pacific Northwest with some trees showing blossoms as a warm spell of weather occurred. https://www.run2befit.com/will-run-for-beer.html?fbclid=IwAR1WyqlZYP9pgbq9GQ9be9HOnETudA1fA-IY1T-3I4smkJPtaQc9zIV_5eM

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 1353 yd
  30 ft
 1364 yd
  30 ft
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1 00:14:10 1/6/2021
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