Démarrage en douceur agréable par contre changements de difficulté tous les 200m
CrossWerni - 5year
Very nice after a long night 🍺 🍷😎 thanks
daviswj - 4year
Excellent ride & shifter workout. As close as I'm likely to get to visiting "down under" ... my thanks for a pleasant trip!
ange73 - 5year
vidéo moyenne trop de vibrations il manque un stabilisateur
0815Peter - 4year
yvon renaux - 4year
yvon renaux - 4year
LozzyLuxx - 4year
Like it!
Jamy09 - 4year
Every good
MrKnife - 4year
Nice landscape and route! But the stabilization of the camera is not good at all. Video wobbles sometimes extremely. Rating 2.5/5 - Thanks for the upload
452 Torrens Valley Rd, Gumeracha SA 5233, Australia
A ride through the Adelaide Hills via the popular Gorge Rd, from Athelstone past the Kangaroo Creek Dam through Cudlee Creek and up to Gumeracha (the home of the largest rocking horse in the southern hemisphere). An easy picturesque ride along the Gorge until the short climb past the dam around the 10km mark.