× Kinomap, Be on Track!

Around the Birds sanctuary

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 4.535 mi


 116.00 Watt(s)



 253 ft

 Benknerstrasse, 8722 Kaltbrunn, Switzerland

 Entenseestrasse 8730, 8730 Uznach, Switzerland


Switzerland can be flat as well...
The Kaltbrunner Riedt is a national bird protection with a high biodiverstiy, famous for its population of herons and storks (and frogs!).
The more diverse a system, the more resilient it becomes to internal or externernal disturbances. (Yepp: Every kind of system)

PS: I am deeply sorry for not noting the "no trespassing" sign. As soon as I noted my intrusion I left as silently&swiftly as possible. Please hike responsibly.



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1 00:15:39 6/21/2022
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5 00:19:00 6/4/2020


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