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Admiralty Bay - Marlborough Sounds

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 14.436 mi


 154.40 Watt(s)



 2142 ft

 6180, Croisilles French Pass Road, French Pass / Anaru, Marlborough, New Zealand

 Te Towaka-Port Ligar Road, Marlborough, 7193, New Zealand

Admiralty Bay is a picturesque indentation along the northern coast of New Zealand’s South Island. In March 1770, during his first voyage to the Pacific, James Cook anchored his ship, HMS Endeavour, in Admiralty Bay for resupply with wood and water. Cook described the surrounding land as hilly, uneven, and mostly covered with wood and shrubs. The bay had no evidence of present habitation but contained several long-deserted huts. It was here that Cook made the pivotal decision to continue exploring westward, leading to his eventual discovery of Australia.


 5.064 mi
  1355 ft
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1 00:31:12 3/23/2024
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