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The Rider VI - Camprieu - Mont Aigoual

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 8.343 mi


 208.80 Watt(s)



 1578 ft

 D157, 30750 Saint-Sauveur-Camprieu, France

 L'Aigoual, 30570 Valleraugue, France


The Rider VI - Camprieu - Mont Aigoual

Climbing. Hands on the bars, my wrists in front of me. They’re wet. Mont Aigoual is almost the highest mountain in the Cévennes, but height doesn’t mean everything: in Holland there are hills steeper than Mont Ventoux.
Mont Aigoual is tough, but regular. It’s made up of three parts. First, three kilometers to the Col de la Sereyrède, then three kilometers to the ski area at the Col de Pra Peirot, then two more to the summit of Mont Aigoual itself.

From the book THE RIDER by Tim Krabbé (a must read book for every cyclist)

This video covers the sixth part of The Tour de Mont Aigoual where the riders leaving Camprieu and climbing tot the summit of Mont Aigoual as described in the book THE RIDER. 

More rides of the book The Rider in this playlist or Check my other video's



 3.68 mi
  833 ft
 7.074 mi
  1467 ft
 1.922 mi
  472 ft
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1 00:23:09 2/25/2022
2 00:25:10 5/4/2020
3 00:25:40 1/28/2023
4 00:27:17 3/16/2021
5 00:29:04 9/10/2021


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