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😍⛰ Col de la Croix de la Serra from Bouleme (🇫🇷)

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 11.605 mi


 150.10 Watt(s)



 856 ft

 Lieu dit "Boulème", 39310 Bellecombe, France

 D124, 39370 Les Bouchoux, France


This ride brings you via some rolling hills at the 'col de la Croix de la Serra' in the french Jura. Although the altitude of the col is a bit lower than the starting altitude, the ride still contains quite some climbing and scenic views. Enjoy!!

See my other videos and playlists at videos by Gonvil 

For lots of videos of cols, see: Cols in France and Cols in Switzerland

 Strava segments

Portions of this video are actual Strava segments

 1331 yd
  177 ft
 1234 yd
  151 ft
 1.094 mi
  49 ft
 1315 yd
  52 ft
Kinomap rank
Pos. Username Chrono Date
1 00:26:30 11/8/2021
2 00:26:33 1/23/2021
3 00:29:24 2/7/2021
4 00:29:52 12/27/2020
5 00:30:15 5/9/2021

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