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Critérium du Dauphiné 2022 - Stage 8 🚴‍♀️ Col de la Colombiere from Le Grand Bornand - Alps 🏔️

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Comments image 58 Comment


 7.258 mi


 232.80 Watt(s)



 2116 ft

 Eglise, 74450 Le Grand-Bornand, France

 D4, 74950 Le Reposoir, France

Discover the ascent of the Col de la Colombière from the city of Le Grand Bornand. 🇫🇷 A good time spent on your bike 💪
 Strava segments

Portions of this video are actual Strava segments

 416 yd
  89 ft
 7.33 mi
  2113 ft
 7.289 mi
  2106 ft
 7.245 mi
  2106 ft
 7.238 mi
  2100 ft
Kinomap rank
Pos. Username Chrono Date
1 00:16:50 4/2/2022
2 00:17:17 2/27/2021
3 00:19:41 3/5/2023
4 00:20:06 1/9/2022
5 00:20:28 2/5/2023

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