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😍⛰ Col des Aravis from Le Grand Bornand (🇫🇷)

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 7.974 mi


 206.80 Watt(s)



 1909 ft

 280 Route de Villavit, 74450 Le Grand-Bornand, France

 7593 Route du Col des Aravis, 74220 La Clusaz, France


A nice climb starting at the exit of the ski station Le Grand Bornand and finishing 13 km later and 600 m higher at the Col des Aravis with view on the Mont Blanc. Enjoy!!

See my other videos and playlists at videos by Gonvil 

For lots of videos of cols, see: Cols in France and Cols in Switzerland

 Strava segments

Portions of this video are actual Strava segments

 4.386 mi
  1335 ft
 6.245 mi
  1654 ft
 2.705 mi
  830 ft
 2.292 mi
  725 ft
 3.659 mi
  1109 ft
Kinomap rank
Pos. Username Chrono Date
1 00:21:55 7/21/2022
2 00:24:41 12/15/2020
3 00:25:33 1/25/2024
4 00:26:52 9/14/2020
5 00:27:18 3/13/2024

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