× Kinomap, Be on Track!

Extrait du parcours 2016 de L'Etape du Tour entre Praz sur Arly et Missy

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 49.545 mi


 282.60 Watt(s)



 5226 ft

 667 Route du Val d'Arly, 74120 Praz-sur-Arly, France

 D907, 74440 Mieussy, France

 Strava segments

Portions of this video are actual Strava segments

 3.575 mi
  1299 ft
 7.046 mi
  1929 ft
 4.529 mi
  1230 ft
 4.907 mi
  643 ft
 5.121 mi
  1608 ft
Kinomap rank
Pos. Username Chrono Date
1 01:29:16 6/27/2020
2 01:54:33 2/11/2021
3 02:02:47 5/22/2021
4 02:04:02 5/10/2020
5 02:17:56 9/26/2020

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