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Te Molenheide

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 3.123 mi


 106.00 Watt(s)



 0 ft

 Geldropseweg 54, 5731 AC Mierlo, Netherlands

 CHMV+6M Mierlo, Netherlands

The Molenheide is a forest area between Geldrop and Mierlo that, together with the Luchense Heide and the Verste Bos, covers 248 ha. The area is owned by the municipality of Geldrop-Mierlo. The area used to be a moorland. Today it consists of young pine forest. A number of fens, including the Wolfsven, the Galgenven, the Molenven and the Lisven, as well as some heath remnants, have been preserved.


kinomap 排行
Pos. 用户名 Chrono Date
1 00:11:10 10/19/2023
2 00:12:16 11/29/2023
3 00:13:30 5/20/2024
4 00:13:44 1/15/2024
5 00:14:34 12/18/2023


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